
How to Overwrite a project (properly)

This is a quick post for an Issue that i have faced today (not actually an Issue but something the user couldn't do) 

basically the client sent me an email saying that they are are facing this issue as you can notice in the snapshot below .

just covered the company name and the project name :)

When  went there the user did the following 
  1. checked out the project 
  2. saved it local copy 
  3. updated the project 
  4. opened the project from server 
  5. click save as gave it the same name ( he wanted to overwrite it) 
  6. and then hitting the error as shown above  

if you want to over write a project this is not the best way to do so what i did was 

  1. saved the updated project to the desktop 
  2. closed everything project pro related 
  3. double click on the project file (with the connection to the server as default) 
  4. save as (gave it the same name) 
  5. prompted if im sure and i want to over write it 
  6. clicked OK and it was there :) 

its not a big deal but if someone hit this issue might not know where to look at 


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